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Developed by Cosmic Adventure Squad, this two-dimensional adventure game features a unique physics engine with side-scrolling gameplay

Developed by Cosmic Adventure Squad, this two-dimensional adventure game features a unique physics engine with side-scrolling gameplay

Vote: (4 votes)

Program license: Free

Version: 0.1.4c

Works under: Windows

Also available for Mac Android


Program license

(4 votes)




Works under:

Also available for


Mac Android


  • A novel combination of action and puzzle-solving mechanics
  • Simple, intuitive controls
  • Engaging physics-based gameplay with a dynamic difficulty
  • Attractive retro graphics and level design
  • High replay value despite short initial playtime


  • Short overall gameplay length
  • May leave players desiring more content

Deep Dive into the Cave of Longing with Deepest Sword

Deepest Sword stands as an inventive fusion of action, platforming, and puzzle-solving in a classic 2D side-scrolling format. Developed by Cosmic Adventure Squad, this indie title garners attention with its unique physics-based mechanics and an intriguingly simple concept. Designed during the Ludum Dare 48 event, the game tasks players with a singular goal that evolves dynamically as the game progresses.

Gameplay Mechanics and Physics-based Challenges

The game propels you into the role of a valiant knight on a quest to conquer a dragon dwelling within the treacherous Cave of Longing. With a sword that lengthens with each defeat, players navigate through complex platforms, requiring not just brute force, but also sharp wit and precision. The core mechanic of the game rests on using this ever-growing sword to vault over obstacles and maneuver through tight spaces.

The control scheme is deceptively straightforward, with the 'A' and 'D' keys to move and the left and right arrow keys to rotate the sword. The 'R' key allows for a quick respawn, essential in tackling the iterative learning process of the puzzles, and a full reset can be accomplished with the '0' key. For those preferring a more intuitive touch, mouse controls are available for sword manipulation, offering a seamless alternative.

Artistic Style and Design

Visually, Deepest Sword charms with its retro art style that delights players and brings a sense of nostalgia. Graphics are crisp, contributing to the game's overall allure without distracting from the gameplay. Level design exhibits a fine balance between difficulty and achievability, ensuring a rewarding experience for players of varying skill levels.

Duration and Replayability

As a game forged in the competitive heat of a 72-hour development challenge, Deepest Sword is understandably brief. The average player can anticipate besting the dragon and concluding the adventure within 10 minutes. This short duration, however, belies the game's replay value. The changing length of the sword with each attempt introduces new challenges, prompting players to adapt their strategies and tackle the puzzles from different angles.

Despite its condensed nature, the game offers a compelling reason to revisit the Cave of Longing to refine techniques, discover more efficient routes, and simply enjoy the fun gameplay that characterizes this indie gem.


Deepest Sword is a memorable title that delivers on the fronts of ingenuity and entertainment. It's a concise yet impactful gaming experience that impresses with its blend of simple controls, strategic depth, and endearing design. While its playtime may be limited, its unique premise and engaging mechanics make Deepest Sword a worthy pick for those seeking something refreshingly different in the indie platformer scene.


  • A novel combination of action and puzzle-solving mechanics
  • Simple, intuitive controls
  • Engaging physics-based gameplay with a dynamic difficulty
  • Attractive retro graphics and level design
  • High replay value despite short initial playtime


  • Short overall gameplay length
  • May leave players desiring more content